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Why Am I Just Now Finding This Out?!?

January 31, 2012

I scored a few points with My First Wife this evening. I cooked a meatloaf that tasted pretty good. But…I cooked it in muffin pans. Yeah, muffin pans. You know…cupcakes, muffins and the like. What a brilliant idea.  Even you can do this. I just want to know why I’m just now finding this out.

All you do is fix up a meatloaf the way you normally do. Then scoop it into the the sections of a greased muffin pan(s). Use 2 pounds of meat  for 12 of these little hockey pucks…er, I mean meat loaves. Dump in a 10 oz. can of vegetable soup for your veggies du jour, if you want. Prep time: about 10 minutes.  Set the muffin pans on a flat cookie sheet and cook them for an hour at 350 degrees and…Viola! Dinner is served.  Not only that, but you have prepared nice lunches or snacks for tomorrow. A car trip in your future? Picnic? Pot luck dinner?  Store in a flat plastic covered container and pat yourself on the back.

Try this. Then your wife will probably do the dishes.

Now then. As simple and efficient as this was for me, why am I just now finding this out?!?

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  1. You are a Very Clever man!!!

    • paulnichols permalink

      Not me. I found the recipe online. But thanks.

  2. Excellent idea, I’ll try it one day, my friend.

  3. They look adorable and I know the kids will love them! Thanks for sharing, my friend. 🙂

  4. Paul, I have been doing that for years. It really is easy and then like you said you have lunch, a snack, etc.

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